Yoga Therapy
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Yoga therapy aims at the holistic treatment of various kinds of psychological or somatics functions ranging from back problems to emotional distress. The combination of asanas, pranayama and deep relaxation will strengthen the child’s nervous system, increase overall health, and help develop body awareness and concentration. Yoga therapy helps children with autism gain motor, communication and social skills by creating optimum physiological and psychological integrity. As a result of yoga, children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) focus better at school, their behavior problems are reduced, and anxiety begins to decrease in children with high anxiety levels. A significant decrease in hyperactivity behaviors and a significant increase in concentration are achieved. Students’ ability to focus on a subject and maintain their attention on a task increases significantly after practicing yoga.

Yoga for children with dyslexia uses yogic eyes exercises that strengthen the optic nerves, relax facial muscles and stimulate various centers of the brain.